First SEALS run walkthrough

Getting set up

  • Make sure you have followed all of the steps in the installation page.
    • In particular, Clone the SEALS and Hazelbean repositories in the correct location, as described here
    • You will know you’ve got them installed correctly if your VS Code Explorer tab shows the repositories without an error message (Figure 1)

Explore the SEALS code

  • In the VS Code Explorer tab, navigate to your seals_dev directory (Figure 1)
    • Quick note about file organization
      • The root directory of seals_dev contains more than just the seals library, such as directories for scripts, images, etc.
      • The library itself is in the seals subdirectory seals_dev/seals which may seem redundant but is necessary for the way Python imports work.
      • If you inspect the seals directory, you will see an file. This make Python able to import the directory as a package.
    • You will also see a file. This is where most of the actual logic of seals is.

Run files

  • One does not simply run a (Figure 1)
    • Instead, we’re going to have a “run file” that sets up the code and then runs the file
    • Open up the file in the seals directory (Figure 2)
  • We will setup this file and then finally run it (in debug mode via the launch configs in the earth_economy_devstack repository)

Setting up the run file

  • The run file begins with standard python imports
  • Then in the if __name__ == '__main__': block, we define the project directory and initialize the project flow object
    • The reason for putting it in this block is so that you don’t accidentally run the code when you import the file in another script
  • This file then creates a ProjectFlow objected, assigned to the variable p.
    • Python is an object-oriented programming langage
      • The hb.ProjectFlow() defines a class, which is like a recipe for an object
      • When we call it, it generates on object of that class, which we assign to the variable p
import os, sys
import seals_utils
import seals_initialize_project
import hazelbean as hb
import pandas as pd

main = ''
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Create a ProjectFlow Object to organize directories and enable parallel processing.
    p = hb.ProjectFlow()

Directories and project name

  • SEALS (and the EE Devstack) assumes (or softly requires) that you put all code and data somewhere relative to the user’s home directory os.path.expanduser('~')
    • Can put it in sub-directories with extra_dirs = ['Files', 'seals', 'projects']
  • If you followed the EE method, you will have already created the seals directory at <user_dir>/Files/seals
    • In the seals directory, your code is in seals_dev
    • In the seals directory, you also will have a projects directory
      • This is created automatically if its not there
      • All data and outputs will be saved in this directory
        • As a best practice, you should not save data in the seals_dev directory
  • Given the directory structure above, p.project_name will also be use
# Assign project-level attributes to the p object (such as in p.base_data_dir = ... below)
# including where the project_dir and base_data are located.
# The project_name is used to name the project directory below. If the directory exists, each task will not recreate
# files that already exist. 
p.user_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')        
p.extra_dirs = ['Files', 'seals', 'projects']
p.project_name = 'test_examples'
p.project_name = p.project_name + '_' + hb.pretty_time() # If don't you want to recreate everything each time, comment out this line.

# Based on the paths above, set the project_dir. All files will be created in this directory.
p.project_dir = os.path.join(p.user_dir, os.sep.join(p.extra_dirs), p.project_name)

Using Objects

  • The p object we created will organize input variables (called attributes when assigned to an object)
    • Like this: p.attribute_name = 'ItsName'
  • The p object also has functions tied specificially to it (called methods when assigned to an object)
    • Such as: p.validate_name()
    • Methods operate on the object that defined it
      • So validate_name() is specifically looking at the p object, often doing something to the p object, like fixing value of p.attribute_name

Scenario Definitions

Scenario definitions CSV

  • The scenario_definitions file specifies what defines the many different scenarios you want to run
    • Each row will be one scenario
    • Each time the model runs a new scenario, it will update its attributes based on this row
  • If you haven’t run SEALS yet, you won’t have a scenario_defintions file, so it will download the default one on the first run
    p.scenario_definitions_filename = 'test_standard_scenarios.csv' 
    p.scenario_definitions_path = os.path.join(p.input_dir, p.scenario_definitions_filename)

Scenario types

  • Scenario type determines if it is historical (baseline) or future (anything else) as well as what the scenario should be compared against. I.e., Policy minus BAU.
p.scenario_type = 'bau'

Automatically downloading data

  • This computing stack also uses hazelbean to automatically download needed data at run time.
    • In the code block below, we set p.base_data_dir to a location where we want to store lots of very large files.
    • Hazelbean will look here for certain files that are necessary and will download them from a cloud bucket if they are not present. T
    • This also lets you use the same base data across different projects.
  • The final directory has to be named base_data to match the naming convention on the google cloud bucket.
p.base_data_dir = os.path.join('Files/base_data')

Running the model

After doing the above steps, you should be ready to run Upon starting, SEALS will report the “task tree” of steps that it will compute in the ProjectFlow environment. To understand SEALS in more depth, inspect each of the functions that define these tasks for more documention in the code.

Once the model is complete, go to your project directory, and then the intermediate directory. There you will see one directory for each of the tasks in the task tree. To get the final produce, go to the stitched_lulc_simplified_scenarios directory. There you will see the base_year lulc and the newly projected lulc map for the future year:


Open up the projected one (e.g., lulc_ssp2_rcp45_luh2-message_bau_2045.tif) in QGIS and enjoy your new, high-resolution land-use change projection!