Global InVEST

The standard version of InVEST, provided by the Natural Capital Project, is a set of tools for quantifying the values of natural capital in clear, credible, and practical ways. InVEST enables decision-makers to assess the trade-offs associated with alternative management choices and to identify the policies and practices that can best balance human needs with environmental sustainability. InVEST is designed to be accessible to a broad audience, including conservation organizations, governments, development banks, academics, and the private sector.

The InVEST software comprises an easy-to-use graphical interface version as well as direct access to the Python library for advanced users. Typical InVEST applications looked at individual watersheds or small administrative regions. Starting withChaplin-Kramer et al. (2019), however, a series of global applications of InVEST have developed. These applications have sometimes used the standard InVEST Python library, but in most cases, custom versions were created to enable calculation of the models globally (which was challenging for both computation and data reasons). The term Global InVEST refers informally to the multiple code repositories behind these applications. Although the code-base for Global InVEST is still fragmented, we are working to organize and standardize these models.

The three main sources for Global InVEST is

Setting Up Global InVEST Models

To run the Global InVEST models within the Earth Economy Dev Stack standard, you first need to follow the installation steps in the earth_economy_devstack guide to include global_invest and hazelbean in your workspace.

Folder Structure of Global InVEST

Within the global_invest_dev/global_invest directory, you will find the following structure:

│-- ecosystem_services_subfolders
  • ecosystem_services_subfolders contains the scripts for the specific ecosystem service models. Currently, it includes folders like pollination_sufficiency and cnc_global_cv.

  • is the primary script for running the global InVEST models.

  • includes general functions used by the global InVEST models. Files ending in are not project-specific and contain general utility functions.

  • includes tasks specific to the global InVEST models. Files ending in are project-specific and include the project object p, which is handled by Project Flow in hazelbean.

  • is a script to run an example at the global level. This script demonstrates how to run a carbon storage model for a specific area of interest (AOI). The default AOI is RWA.

  • is similar to the run script created by InVEST but uses different paths.

  • is the script for running the global InVEST models for a specific Ecosystem Service. Files ending in are provided as examples, such as the Global-InVEST-Carbon Storage model (

Run Global InVEST Models

To have a testing run of Global InVEST Model, you can run the script. This script runs the carbon storage model for a specific AOI (Rwanda). The script will download the necessary data, run the model, and save the results in the workspace directory. It is well-documented script with the following major steps:

  1. Create a Project object p, and set up corresponding project-directories.
# Create the project flow object
p = hb.ProjectFlow()

# Set project-directories
p.user_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') # EE Devstack is defined relative to the user's directory, but could be overwritten if running not for the Devstack.    
p.extra_dirs = ['Files', 'global_invest', 'projects'] # Extra directories used inside the user_dir
p.project_name = 'test_global_invest' # Name of the project, which will be used to create the project_dir
p.project_name = p.project_name + '_' + hb.pretty_time() # Comment this line out if you want it to use an existing project. Will skip recreation of files that already exist.
p.project_dir = os.path.join(p.user_dir, os.sep.join(p.extra_dirs), p.project_name) # Combines above to set the user_dir. 
p.set_project_dir(p.project_dir) # Based on the project_dir, create all other relevant dirs, like input, intermediate, and output.

# Set basa_data_dir. Will download required files here.
p.base_data_dir = os.path.join(p.user_dir, 'Files', 'base_data') # Could be anywhere, including external storage. But, should not be cloud-controlled (like Google Drive). 
  1. Define the test and paths for the LULC, region_ids, and global_regions_vector. By default, the AOI is set to Rwanda. The paths are set to the catographic/ee folder in the base data directory.
# Set model-paths and details
p.aoi = 'RWA'
p.base_year_lulc_path = p.get_path('lulc/esa/lulc_esa_2017.tif') # Defines the fine_resolution
p.region_ids_coarse_path = p.get_path('cartographic/ee/id_rasters/eemarine_r566_ids_900sec.tif') # Defines the coarse_resolution
p.global_regions_vector_path = p.get_path('cartographic/ee/eemarine_r566_correspondence.gpkg') # Will be used to create the aoi vector
  1. Create your own tasks trees and execute the task tree.

For example, in the following task tree, the project object p has 4 tasks:

  • project_aoi_task: Clips the global regions vector to the AOI selected.
  • aoi_inputs_task: Clips global inputs based on the AOI.
  • ecosystem_services_task: Empty task just to contain all the other ES tasks (by being set as their parent task).
  • carbon_storage_biophysical_task: Actually implements the model logic.

Note: if parent=p.ecosystem_services_task is not set for carbon_storage_biophysical_task, the task will not be set as the child-task of the ecosystem_services_task.

def build_task_tree(p):
    p.project_aoi_task = p.add_task(ecosystem_services_tasks.project_aoi) # Clips the global_regions_vector to the aoi selected   
    p.aoi_inputs_task = p.add_task(ecosystem_services_tasks.aoi_inputs) # Clips global inputs based on the aoi
    p.ecosystem_services_task = p.add_task(ecosystem_services_tasks.ecosystem_services) # Empty task just to contain all the other ES tasks (by being set as their parent task)
    p.carbon_storage_biophysical_task = p.add_task(ecosystem_services_tasks.example_ecosystem_services_invest_task, parent=p.ecosystem_services_task) # Actually implements the model logic

# Build the task tree and excute it!

Customizing _tasks, _functions, and run_ Files in Global InVEST

If you are a new user who has forked the global_invest_dev repository and want to add a new ecosystem service model, you can follow these steps:

  1. Copy and paste the, then rename it to run_global_<new_es>.py. In the newly created file, ensure you define your own p.<new_es>_biophysical_task in the file. For instance, if your new ecosystem service model is sediment_retention, in your, you should define your own task tree as follows:
def build_task_tree(p):
    p.project_aoi_task = p.add_task(ecosystem_services_tasks.project_aoi) # Clips the global_regions_vector to the selected AOI
    p.aoi_inputs_task = p.add_task(ecosystem_services_tasks.aoi_inputs) # Clips global inputs based on the AOI
    p.ecosystem_services_task = p.add_task(ecosystem_services_tasks.ecosystem_services) # Empty task to contain all other ES tasks (set as their parent task)
    p.sediment_retention_biophysical_task = p.add_task(ecosystem_services_tasks.sediment_retention_invest_task, parent=p.ecosystem_services_task) # CHANGED FROM CARBON STORAGE TO SEDIMENT RETENTION
  1. In the file, add a new task for the new ecosystem service model. For example:
def sediment_retention_invest_task(p):
    """Iterate over a scenarios file to calculate SDR from LULC maps."""

    if p.run_this:
        ecosystem_services_functions.sdr_biophysical(current_lulc_path, current_sdr_path, p.exhaustive_sdr_path, sdr_output_path)
  1. Any functions used in the sediment_retention_invest_task in the file should be called from the file. For example, the sdr_biophysical function called in the def sediment_retention_invest_task(p): function should be defined in Alternatively, you can save this function in a separate Python or C script compiled by Cython for faster calculation, similar to carbon_storage_ipcc_tier_1_cython.pyx. However, keep the main calculation core in a single Cython file and retain the main body of the function in the file.